Classroom Donations
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We are looking for the following donations of classroom supplies for room 100. I will be giving 5 Dali Dollars (classroom raffle tickets) for each of the items donated now through the end of October. *Large boxes of tissues *Ream of white "printer" paper *Package of glue sticks *Box of gallon zip lock bags *Box of quart or sandwich zip lock bags *Bottle of liquid hand soap *Bottle of liquid hand soap-refill *Bottles of liquid glue *Large refill bottle of liquid glue *Pack of #2 pencils *Large pump sized hand sanitizer *Pack of erasers *Roll of masking tape *Pack of black Sharpie markers *Pack of black Sharpie pens *Glitter Glue bottles *Pack of colored Sharpie markers Thank you for your continued support of the arts at TOR! If items are purchased for donation, please bring them with you to class so that I can give student the appropriate amount of Dali Dollars. Photo Permission Slip
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I am currently in the process of handing out Photography Permission Slips for this and next week. If you need additional copies, I have more in my classroom and they can also be downloaded/printed at home: If you have any questions or concerns please email me at: I will be giving students 2 Dali Dollars (classroom raffle tickets) if I receive the signed copy prior to the end of the day on Friday November 1. I am marking the permission slip on Power School, but it is not counted toward a grade. If for any reason you do not want your child to participate, please email me and let me know so that I can mark your child as exempt as I plan to send reminder emails later in the month of October. Thank you!
September Art Challenge Extra Credit
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September Art Challenge Extra Credit is now posted on our class Instagram page: User Name: PStevensart If students choose to complete any (or all) extra credit for the month, they can earn up to 10 points per challenge (300 possible points for this month). Please do not forget to label each drawing with challenge number, and include month, first name, last name and class name on the back of each paper. I will collect the extra credit during the first week of October (October 1-4). No late extra credit can be accepted.
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Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had an amazing and relaxing break.We are about the half way point of the year and running out of some supplies and materials. We currently have 6 projects up on our page. In addition, we are looking for donations of the following items: Boxes of facial tissues: Cold & Flu Season are upon us, and we have used our last box! Donations of boxes of tissues would be really appreciated!! Washcloths: We use these to wipe down paint spills and big messes. Our current supply of washcloths have seen better days despite the frequent washes with bleach in the machine. Items that do not need to be new, but if they are working and you know someone who is getting rid of one, please keep our classroom in mind: Hot Plates: In the past, we have borrowed one from the ASD to melt wax to make candles and soaps! Toaster OVEN: In the past, I have used one in my classroom to do a glass sculpture with m...
December & January Art Challenges
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December Art Challenge Extra Credit will be collected until next Friday (January 11). January Art Challenge is up and will be collected in February. Since second quarter ends on January 25, the January extra credit will be graded for Q3. December Art Challenge is the last opportunity for extra credit for this quarter, so if you are unhappy or unsure of your grades, please make sure to work on some extra credit and hand it in before next Friday! As always, please make sure the work is numbered and includes your FIRST and LAST name and class name on it.