ART CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: Do not forget! Extra Credit for FEBRUARY is due by this Friday, March 9. March's Art Challenge has been posted on our class Instagram page . Q3 ends prior to the March Art Challenge/Extra Credit, so February Art Challenge will be the only extra credit that is left to complete for Q3. If you are unhappy with your grade for Midyear/Progress reports, I highly recommend completing the February Art Challenge and handing it into me by THIS FRIDAY. If you are working on extra credit, please make sure you write the month, # that corresponds with the art challenge, have your name/class on the back and hand the work directly to me to ensure you get credit! :-) ________________________________________________________________________________ MAKEUP WORK DAYS: The end of quarter 3 is rapidly approaching, and completes on Friday 3/23. That leaves very little time for makeup work. Please check this page and our Instagram page for days I will be staying a...