
Showing posts from 2018

November Art Challenge

Don't forget the November Art Challenge Extra Credit is up on our class Instagram page . It will be collected the first week of December.

Current Art Contests

Here are some art contests that are currently going on. These are just some fun contests that I have found online, they are not affiliated with TOR or Stamford Public Schools and can be entered at home :-) If you come across any contests, please let me know so I can share them! Thank you! Toyota Dream Car Contest International Space Foundation Student Art Contest

Extra Credit

Don't forget about October's Extra Credit Art Challenge located on our Instagram page!! This can help boost your Q1 grade! I will be collecting it from Friday November 2-Friday November 9.

Late Assignments

Although additional time was given for students to complete the one-two day assignments, I am still missing a lot of assignments that were taken home to complete. I also have SEVERAL students who did not complete their Color Wheel Worksheets or T-Shirt Designs. Grades close for report cards on Friday November 2. That gives us just 2 weeks to complete any work.  I will be emailing parents over the next week to remind students to complete work. Additionally, I am planning on staying after school on Thursday 11/1 from 3-4 for anyone who needs access to supplies to complete work.  NO LATE WORK CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER 11/2!!! PLEASE PLACE YOUR WORK IN YOUR PORTFOLIOS ASAP SO GRADES CAN BE UPDATED!!! Thank you!!

Incomplete Work

Grades closed Friday 10/5 for the mid-quarter (progress report grades). I still have several students who have not completed their T-Shirt design (grades 6 & 8) and/or Color Wheel Worksheets (grade 6). If you haven't finished yours- please take it home to do so and bring it back ASAP so that your grade can be adjusted in Power School. As always- I am available during lunch and after school PLEASE ASK!!

Digital Media

Are you a student who is interested in film, television, and digital media but unsure where to begin?  Are you interested in learning more about digital media and how you can share more information on the growing field?  If so, this event is definitely something you want to attend. The ConnectNext speaker series is a bi-weekly TED-like event that takes place at UConn Stamford and UConn Hartford campuses. Running from September through December, these small intimate talks connect professionals from Connecticut’s leading content producers to high school and undergraduate students seeking advice about their next steps toward a successful career as a designer, animator, filmmaker, and other exciting roles emerging within the digital media industry. Our October Stamford ConnectNext speaker is truly a dream follower. When Pixar's Monster, Inc. first debuted in 2001, Stefanie Toigo finally knew what she wanted to do with her life. She delved deep into the world o...


Mid Quarter (progress report for Q1) grades close THIS Friday 10/5. Please make sure any incomplete or outstanding work is completed and handed in prior to 3 pm Friday so that it can be counted towards the mid quarter grade. Thank you!

Open House TONIGHT!


Important Links

IMPORTANT LINKS:  CLASS BLOG : HTTPS://MISSSTEVENSART.BLOGSPOT.COM Feel free to subscribe to email updates!  This page is updated periodically throughout the school year. You can also find important information to reference back to. DONORSCHOOSE.ORG : HTTP://WWW.DONORSCHOOSE.ORG/STEVENS219A New projects for art supplies and materials are posted here. Please consider making a donation and/or sharing our link on your social media page. See our post here about our projects and page. AMAZON CLASSROOM WISH LIST: HTTPS://WWW.AMAZON.COM/GP/REGISTRY/SEARCH SEARCH“MISSSTEVENS”.“MISS STEVENS’ ART CLASSROOM WISH LIST” is our class page. Our wish list includes odds and ends from paper and cleaning supplies to classroom furniture. CLASSTAGRAM : HTTPS://WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/PSTEVENSART/ Extra credit Art Challenges are posted her monthly. You can also view pictures of what we are currently working on in class. See our post about extra credit art challenges. PEACH JAR: Month newsl...

Syllabus 2018-2019 School Year

Visual Art Syllabus 2018-2019 Miss Stevens Turn of River Middle School Course Description: As a result of participating in art class, students in grades 6, 7 and 8 will produce artwork in two and/or three-dimensional forms. In alignment with SPS art curriculum, students will become familiar with drawing tools and techniques, art history, color theory, painting, and working with mixed media. Students will spend the year working on art projects that will help develop their individual ideas and talents as an artist. Expectations : Students are expected to: 1. Come to class on time and be prepared to work. 2. Demonstrate respect toward self, others, the environment and art materials. 3. Listen and follow directions from teacher and other adults. 4. Meet all deadlines for projects. Behavior Expectations: Discipline Procedures/Consequences: *Warning (verbal, silent, whole class) *Lunch detention to be served the lunch following class *After school deten...

Course Outline: Grade 8

Course Outline: Grade 8 2018-2019 Stevens Art *Dates and projects are tentative and are subject to change based upon class disruptions/snow days/etc. Quizzes may be given at the end of units. _________________________________________________________ Week 1: (8/27-8/31) Rules, Consequences, and Classroom Procedures Week 2: (9/3-9/7) Class website, Google, Donors Choose, Instagram, Activity Week 3: (9/10-9/14) Intro Boat/Lighthouse. Sketch Week 4: (9/17-9/21) Demo Oil Pastel, tints/shades. Draw large Week 5: (9/24-9/28) Oil Pastel Boat/Lighthouse Week 6: (10/1-10/5) Oil Pastel Boat/Lighthouse Due. Intro insects. Sketch Week 7: (10/8-10/12) Positive/Negative Insects. Demo steps Week 8: (10/15-10/19) Positive/Negative Insects Week 9: (10/22-10/26) Positive/Negative Insects Week 10: (10/29-11 /2) Insects final. Intro Metamorphosis & WSKT Week 11: (11 /5-11 /9) Morph WKST due. Metamorphosis Week 12: (11 /12-11 /16) Metamorphosis Week 13: (11 /1...

Course Outline: Grade 6

Course Outline: Grade 6 2018-2019 Stevens Art *Dates and projects are tentative and are subject to change based upon class disruptions/snow days/etc. Quizzes may be given at the end of units. _________________________________________________________ Week 1: (8/27-8/31) Rules, Consequences, and Classroom Procedures Week 2: (9/3-9/7) Class website, Google, Donors Choose, Instagram, Activity Week 3: (9/10-9/14) Introduction to Keith Haring, Color Theory, CW WKST Week 4: (9/17-9/21) CW WKST due, Keith Haring Color Wheel Week 5: (9/24-9/28) Keith Haring Color Wheel Week 6: (10/1-10/5) KW Color Wheel Due. Intro KH Mural Week 7: (10/8-10/12) KH Mural Week 8: (10/15-10/19) KH Mural Week 9: (10/22-10/26) KH Murals Due Week 10: (10/29-11 /2) DoD Gallery Walk. Intro DoD lesson. Week 11: (11 /5-11 /9) Demo Paper Mache. Paper mache masks 1/1 Week 12: (11 /12-11 /16) Paint Masks White Week 13: (11 /19-11 / 23) Paint Masks Color (2 days) Week 14: (11 /26...

Extra Credit Art Challenges

Each month, extra credit is posted on our class Instagram page . Since the Instagram account is public, you can access it via the internet as a web page. The idea is that for each day of the month, you challenge yourself by drawing the topic listed. Each challenge has one drawing for each day of the month which can be done daily, or students can pick and choose which topics they want to draw. Art Challenges will be posted each month during the school year until May. If you decide to do the extra credit Art Challenge, you can earn up to ten points each max ( ie: for September, students can earn up to 300 points extra credit).  Please make sure to number each drawing including the month, first name, last name, and class name on each page. Students can use sketchbooks if they have one, or plain computer paper works as well. Students can complete each challenge on a separate page, or group multiple drawings onto one page to conserve paper- but please make sure to include the chal...

meet the teacher 2018-2019 school year

About Me:  My name is Miss Stevens and I am very excited to be your child's art teacher this year! This will be my 3rd year here at TOR and my 7th year teaching. Prior to teaching at TOR, I taught art to grades pre-k through 8 in Hartford, Ct. I graduated with a BS in Art Education from Southern CT State University and am currently enrolled in graduate school working on my MBA at University of Bridgeport. I enjoy many different hobbies (besides teaching art of course) such as crafting, photography, shopping and hiking. I am currently in the process of organizing an inner city hockey clinic and hope to have it up and running in the upcoming school year. I love to have communication with parents throughout the school year. Parents- please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Contact by Email is best! Make sure to check out TOR’s Peach Jar website for our monthly class newsletter. I look forward to a great year together and all the fun art we will cr...

may art challenge

Don't forget that the May Art Challenge extra credit is up on our class Instagram page. Although I will still post art challenges throughout the year, the May Art Challenge is the last extra credit for the 2017-2018 school year. I will be collecting the extra credit June 4-8, so if you are working on it, make sure to turn it in! :-) Please make sure to check Power School this weekend! I am currently updating grades for Mid-quarter (which will be finalized this Friday). Unfortunately the mid-quarter grades will be sent home the end of the month, which leaves very little time to complete extra credit if you are unhappy with your grade. Use this as a great opportunity to bring those grades up!!

artwork lost and found

Our artwork lost & found is OVERFLOWING with work. None of these have names on the back!! Unfortunately, I cannot give grades for work that does not have a name on it. Please check Power School this weekend to see if anything is missing, and check the lost & found basket next week so that I can update grades.

mid quarter

Just a friendly reminder that mid-quarter grades close this Friday (5/18). Grades will be posted by Friday May 25. If you are not happy with your grade, I strongly suggest that you complete assignments and work on the May Art Challenge for extra credit. There will not be an extra credit art challenge for the month of June. I am also after school on Tuesdays for students who need to complete any assignments. If you have outstanding work and would like to complete it prior to the mid-quarter progress reports, you can stay after Tuesday 5/22.

art show

Save the date! Our end of the year art show is on Thursday, June 14. It starts at 6:30 but we will be there until the end of the concert. If you cannot make it at 6:30, that is fine! Stop by for a few minutes and check out the awesome artwork! All my current students who have been with me since at least May 1 will have a piece of art on display. Look forward to seeing you all there!! :-)

Trash Fashion

We are currently collecting CLEAN recyclables and garbage for the trash fashion project. We are collecting any items that are clean (and dry). Some items that we have used in the past and will be looking for: *plastic shopping bags *used gift wrap *plastic table cloths *plastic containers from salad, spinach, etc *coffee cups-styrofoam, plastic *milk jugs *cereal boxes *chip bags *capri sun pouches *candy wrappers *soda can tabs *juice bottles and lids *fishnet bags from oranges, lemons *random items-puzzle pieces, cds, I appreciate everyone who has been sending in materials- grade 6 will be working on this project until the end of the year, so we will be collecting and needing materials until then. Thank you!


Advisory room 100 will be collecting children's books (for children in grades K-6) until the end of April to benefit the Vicki Soto Memorial Office! Please make sure the books donated are appropriate for children in grades K-6. Although we appreciate your donations, we have been receiving several books that are adult themed and not appropriate for children. In addition, please make sure that you are not donating books that currently belong to other school libraries, or are in circulation at the public libraries (discarded books are fine!) We have recently received a few books belonging to local elementary schools and neighboring libraries that had to be returned! Thank you again for your support!

end of q3

Just a friendly reminder that Q3 grades for report cards close THIS FRIDAY! 4/6. Any late or incomplete work needs to be handed in your portfolios by the end of the day to be graded for report card deadlines. In addition, any students who have completed the March Art Challenge/Extra Credit should hand in their work this week-DIRECTLY TO ME! Please make sure your first, last name, March and class name are on the back and that each challenge completed is numbered in order to receive credit. NO WORK HANDED IN AFTER FRIDAY CAN BE ACCEPTED!!

catch up day

QUARTER 3 ENDS ON FRIDAY MARCH 23!! I will be staying after school for any students who need to makeup any incomplete artwork on THURSDAY, MARCH 22 .  NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 3/23!!!