Extra Credit Art Challenges

Each month, extra credit is posted on our class Instagram page.
Since the Instagram account is public, you can access it via the internet as a web page.

The idea is that for each day of the month, you challenge yourself by drawing the topic listed. Each challenge has one drawing for each day of the month which can be done daily, or students can pick and choose which topics they want to draw. Art Challenges will be posted each month during the school year until May.

If you decide to do the extra credit Art Challenge, you can earn up to ten points each max (ie: for September, students can earn up to 300 points extra credit). Please make sure to number each drawing including the month, first name, last name, and class name on each page. Students can use sketchbooks if they have one, or plain computer paper works as well. Students can complete each challenge on a separate page, or group multiple drawings onto one page to conserve paper- but please make sure to include the challenge number nearby your drawing so I know which one I am grading!

Extra credit is only collected during the first week of the following month. IE: Collecting September Art Challenge Extra Credit during the first week of October. Students have the entire week to hand in their extra credit and do not have to wait until their class sees me- feel free to hand it to me in the cafeteria during breakfast, or hand to me while passing by to other classes. Unfortunately, any extra credit not handed in prior to 3 pm on the final day of the week cannot be accepted.

Each month's Art Challenge will look similar to September's above. 

