meet the teacher 2018-2019 school year

About Me: 
My name is Miss Stevens and I am very excited to be your child's art teacher this year! This will be my 3rd year here at TOR and my 7th year teaching. Prior to teaching at TOR, I taught art to grades pre-k through 8 in Hartford, Ct. I graduated with a BS in Art Education from Southern CT State University and am currently enrolled in graduate school working on my MBA at University of Bridgeport. I enjoy many different hobbies (besides teaching art of course) such as crafting, photography, shopping and hiking. I am currently in the process of organizing an inner city hockey clinic and hope to have it up and running in the upcoming school year.
I love to have communication with parents throughout the school year. Parents- please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Contact by Email is best! Make sure to check out TOR’s Peach Jar website for our monthly class newsletter. I look forward to a great year together and all the fun art we will create!! ☺

My Favorites:
Color: Blue
Season: Fall
Food: Pizza
Sport: Ice Hockey
Drink: Iced Tea
TV show: Law and Order SVU

Contact Info:
Follow all of the fun on our class Instagram: PStevensArt
