Syllabus 2018-2019 School Year

Visual Art Syllabus 2018-2019
Miss Stevens

Turn of River Middle School

Course Description: As a result of participating in art class, students in grades 6, 7 and 8 will produce artwork in two and/or three-dimensional forms. In alignment with SPS art curriculum, students will become familiar with drawing tools and techniques, art history, color theory, painting, and working with mixed media. Students will spend the year working on art projects that will help develop their individual ideas and talents as an artist.

Expectations: Students are expected to:
1. Come to class on time and be prepared to work.
2. Demonstrate respect toward self, others, the environment and art materials.
3. Listen and follow directions from teacher and other adults.
4. Meet all deadlines for projects.

Behavior Expectations: Discipline Procedures/Consequences:
*Warning (verbal, silent, whole class)
*Lunch detention to be served the lunch following class
*After school detention
-Detentions given by Miss Stevens will be held in room 100 (art classroom) on Thursdays unless otherwise noted.
-Parents will be notified via detention form from main office, email or telephone call. This sheet must be signed and returned for student to serve detention, or verbal permission may be given.
-If students do not attend detention on assigned date or alternative arrangements made, a referral will be issued.
*Serious offenses may require the notification of administration and/or removal from class and referral

Grading Policy and Academic Expectations:
Grades are based on the following:
*Daily PARTICIPATION (procedure, use of class time, discussions, et) Max 3 points daily, 30% *Classwork (Major Projects/Class Assignments/Quizzes/Extra Credit) 70%

If you have missed class (excused absences, field trips, ISS, OSS) you are still responsible for completing class work in a timely fashion. Any late work is due within 1 week of given deadline/your return unless other arrangements have been previously made. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make up any missed work. I understand that unexpected illnesses and emergencies come up and I am always available during lunch/free periods after school for you to access materials and help in order to complete any late or incomplete work-please ask!
Work handed in after extended deadline will be graded with partial credit.
No late work can be accepted after grading deadline (1 week before the end of the semester)

Extra Credit:
Extra credit is posted each month on our class Instagram page. Extra credit Art Challenges are due the first week of the following month. Each art challenge can earn up to 10 pts extra credit. No late work can be accepted.

Required Materials:
Pencil and Eraser
Check our classroom blog and Google Classroom pages for suggested supplies list.

Major Projects/Assignments:
Please check our classroom blog for outline and information about major assignments.

Patricia Stevens
Visual Arts Teacher
Turn of River Middle School:
117 Vine Road Stamford, CT
Room 100: 203-977-4284

Office Hours: By appointment. Availability during lunch periods and after school.

Check classroom blog and Instagram for studio hour dates throughout the year.
